The best way out is through
anything less will invite a revisit
Jeorge offers a full range of counselling and psychotherapy services for individuals,
couples and groups, both in person at her private rooms in Fremantle (Hilton) and through secure online video conferencing.

Areas of support
Personal growth and development
When our basic survival needs have been met, we have the privilege and opportunity to dive into a journey of self-actualisation. Ironically, it often takes the harsh challenges of life to get us to this point.
Often, we blame ourselves for anxiety and inability to cope with everyday life, when it is actually a combination of our thought patterns and nervous system stuck in a reactive and unhelpful default mode. To work through this, we need a new perspective, skills and response.
No one really wants to disconnect from themselves, others or life itself, however when the challenges of life overwhelm and inhibit our ability to cope, we can loose sight of what is still possible.
Relationships issues
Relationship challenges can be used as a platform and an opportunity to explore and heal underlying attachment issues, wounding from previous relationships and to explore unmet needs.
Chronic health issues
Chronic health issues are complex and multi dimensional. For some, undigested trauma and emotion can manifest as a physical symptom. Developing awareness and trust of the body’s innate intelligence can help towards less dis-ease.
Life transitions
The only constant in our lives is change. Suffering happens when we are unable to accept this truth. To live requires us to face death, loss and endings. Nothing new is ever granted without something being lost.
Parenting issues
We are parented by the many generations before us. When we ourselves become parents, we influence the many generations beyond us. Self-awareness helps you to decide what you will leave behind and what you will pass on.
Grief and loss
Feeling the pain of grief and loss is not a pathological disorder that we need to numb. Often we just need permission, support and a safe space to feel and allow it move through our being.
Blended families
Blended families are like two different tribes coming together. This immersion itself will change everything for each individual forever. Awareness of the underlying process allows the potential for healing and empowered connection to grow.
Post trauma stress
Traumatic events that were too overwhelming to digest at the time remain trapped in our body and nervous system, as if the trauma is still occurring in the present moment. By learning new ways to respond to the overwhelm and trauma, it is possible to recover and grow beyond.
Addictions are a result of our attempt to self soothe when the fear becomes too overwhelming and better ways of coping are not yet known.
Developmental & attachment trauma
We make many powerful and necessary decisions to survive as children. Then we forget we made them. It becomes the unconscious lense by which we view our world and those around us. If things are not working out as you hoped, it may be time for an upgrade from the early programming.
Individual counselling sessions with Jeorge are 60 minutes.
Secure online video appointments are also available.
Sign up with your email address to receive information on upcoming workshops.
Groups and workshops can also be designed to meet the needs of established groups with a specific and common interest.
Online groups are also available.
Couple’s counselling sessions with Jeorge are 90 minutes.
Secure online video appointments are also available.